The Gbagyi Elders Forum is a social and philanthropic organization promoting social interaction and cooperation among Gbagyi peoples. We are a platform for exchanging ideas, discussing issues, expressing opinions, and providing useful information to catalyze the development of the Gbagyi nation.
Gbagyi Elders are generally considered to have enough life experience and knowledge of indigenous traditions to offer guidance and teachings to our community.
The Gbagyi Elders Forum is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (of Nigeria): Reg. Number 159447.
The Gbagyi Elders Forum has the following goals and objectives.
1. Engaging youths, religious, traditional rulers’ professional organizations and trade unions for social, economic and political emancipation of Gbagyi people
2. Intervening, mediating, arbitrating, and conciliating in intra or inter communal issues.
3. Mentoring, inspiring, and ensuring the Gbagyi achieve excellence in all spheres of endeavours.
4. To be a social and philanthropic organization for the promotion of social interaction and cooperation among Gbagyi peoples.
5. It is a non-political and non-religious organization.
6. Initiating, planning and executing self-help projects such as education, sanitation, provision of access roads, water, electricity supply, healthcare, sports facilities etc.
7. To create a conducive atmosphere for free interaction and exchange of ideas among the members.
8. To improve and promote social interactions and understanding among the members.
9. Initiate innovations, encourage and promote strategic pursuit of educational, agricultural and other economic activities for self-reliance.
10. Encourage and promote the preservation and loyalty to Gbagyi traditional and cultural institutions, constituted authorities and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
11. Encourage and support Agbagyi to educate their children and wards to the highest levels attainable.
There are many ways to get involved with the Gbagyi Elders Forum via different membership levels.
1. Individual Member: Membership through self-recognition or recommendation.
2. Corporate Member: Membership representing an organization.
3. Associate Member: Trial Individual Membership (for the first year).
4. Honorary Member: For social or philanthropic organizations promoting Gbagyi people.
Applications for membership can be completed on the membership page. The Board of Trustees screening committee evaluates all applications for eligibility.
For more membership details, please email
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